‘The Liminal Phase’ co-curated by Micha Eden Erdész and Rebecca Jewell
6 October – 3 November 2006, Highbury Studios, London, GB

  • Bálint Bolygó

  • Gavin Thorogood

  • Gerald Straub

  • Ian Johnson

  • Julie Cook

  • Matthew Small

  • Micha Eden Erdész

  • Rebecca Jewell

  • Robert Currie

  • Sarah Strang

  • Slobodan Trajokovic

  • Thomas Wilkinson

  • Xavier Pick

The Liminal Phase is a window in which artists can respond to a dynamic environment on the verge.

Supported by Stadium Capital Holdings, Arsenal Regeneration Team, Florence Trust, Royal College of Art, Institute of Ideas, The Big Draw, Targetti, Howden, ADI Solutions & Audiovisual, Ham and High, Hackney Gazette.

Work in the collection of Newlon Housing Trust and the Embassy of Hungary in London.